Vision setting, goal getting, practical budgeting, money mindset, money management and so much more - if it helps you reach your money goals then we will be talking about it!
Intention setting and accountability:
We all know we intend to get round to doing the money stuff, but it often drops off the to-do list when life gets in the way. The Wealth Hive will hold your hand, give you motivational nudges, and administer (softly!) a kick up the backside when you most need it!
Tips, tricks, tools and resources:
Whether it's a suggestion for a morning money routine or a recommendation for an app, you'll be building up a pot of useful gems to support your wealth hive journey!
And I have a vision!
I want to show the world that you CAN earn, hold and grow your wealth. I want to create a world of financial resilience, independence and freedom of choice.
OK, so it's a big ask, to create a world of financial resilience, but by creating a community of action takers in the Wealth Hive, the impact can reach far and wide!
The more people join us in the Hive, the closer we all get to our financial goals and the stronger the worldwide community becomes!
Are you in?
Action over inaction will help you win the game!
Join the Wealth Hive today and make your financial honey pot dreams a reality!
This is a BRAND NEW membership - make sure you're ahead of the game and join us at the LOWEST possible rate - just £12.50/month for founders and I promise you I won't put your personal rate up while you're a member!
© 2023 My Money Movement Ltd
© 2023 Kim Uzzell Coaching ltd